Welding Consulting


  • Assistance with very difficult welding quality issues with a variety of processes and materials
  • Resistance Spot, Projection and Seam Welding,  Gas Metal and Gas Tungsten Arc Welding with single and multiple torches, Submerged Arc Welding, other arc welding processes, Friction, MIAB welding processes, Laser and electron beam welding processes
  • Steels (bare, coated, high strength, dual-phase), stainless steels, aluminum alloys, titanium alloys, nickel base super alloys and a variety of other materials
  • Large volume factory welding optimization
  • Equipment specs, purchase, run-off and validation, stabilization of large-volume processes from disturbing variables, operator and engineer training, maintenance methods, shop-floor visual aids and problem solving
  • New joining techniques and innovation to reduce costs and structure weight
  • Dissimilar material welding in the solid-state, innovative tubular construction using commonly used welding processes, multi-layered materials, combining welding heat treatment of hardenable materials for tough microstructures
  • Vendor quality enhancements

Shop-floor Aids

  • Visual aids for correct set up
  • Arc welders
  • Resistance welders
  • Boundary samples of acceptable, marginal and unacceptable welds
  • One page maintenance record for each weld machine
  • Elementary problem solving trees
  • Weld test method instructions and details

Expert Witnesses

  • Extensive  experience with failure analysis of a component/structure and documentation
  • In-depth knowledge of the metallurgy and welding of a variety of materials
  • Familiarity with advanced destructive and non-destructive test/evaluation methods including electron microscopy
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Ability to arrive at the root cause of a failure

Come visit us at our partner company in Detroit, MI and evaluate free weld samples!