Melted-And Solidified Wire-Connector Welds Are Reliable
Welded Stranded-Wire Aluminum Cables For Electric/Hybrid Vehicles
High quality melted-and-solidified cable-connector welds enable:
- Cost reductions – 100s of $
- Weight Reduction – 10s of Kilograms
- Lower cable and joint resistances
Aluminum RV’s,
Motor Homes, Flatbeds
and Truck Trailers
Proprietary Cosmetic Aluminum Spot Welds look like rivets and are strong. Proven durability through fatigue testing using cyclic loading.
Significant savings with respect to riveting in terms of:
- Floor Space
- Manufacturing Cycle Time
- Cosmetic Appearance
- Total Cost
Hybrid Automotive Fuse/Cable-Connector Welds
Stranded Wire Cable-connector welds up to 70 mm² of copper cross-sectional area are possible with this method. The welds are unusually strong in the shear and peel test modes. Innovative Weld Solution advantages include the lack of need to use any brazing/soldering fluxes. All tests specified by Industry specifications on these joints can be passed. Very short weld times result in low manufacturing costs. The weld process can be manual, semi-automatic with quick change-over of cable sizes and tooling.
Our Advantages
A unique combination of large volume manufacturing, metallurgy and welding skills have enabled us to break through present paradigms in the manufacturing of light-weight structures and welded large diameter copper/aluminum cables. Our partner company, Milco Manufacturing Inc. helps us with equipment build and servicing.
Our Technologies
Conventional Equipment
IWSL’s FMRW™ Weld technology enables generation of steep temperature gradients in conducting metals and opens up new welding paradigms. Cosmetic and durable aluminum alloy structures can be manufactured at low cost.
Portable Seam Welding
FMRW™ seam welding technology enables generation of corrosion resistant, high quality seam welds in large aluminum structures. Water quenching of surfaces welded eliminates problems such as “Sensitization Corrosion”. Strong customer interest can enable validation/commercialization.

Unprecedented Welding Close to Sheet Edges of Aluminum Alloys
How close to the edge of aluminum alloys can I weld? Resistance spot welding close to aluminum alloy sheet edges within 10mm is not considered possible. With IWSL’s patented technology, welds as close as 2.5mm to the edge can be achieved cosmetically without compromising weld strength.
Come visit us at our partner company in Detroit, MI and evaluate free weld samples!