IWSL Patents & Licenses

Dr. Anthony, President and CTO, has authored 29 patents issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and several international patents. Other patents are pending in the US and globally. Significant among these inventions are rewrite very favorably industry rules with respect to the resistance spot and seam weldability of aluminum alloys and other light-weight materials. Other significant inventions include very competitive and high-quality welding of hybrid/electric car cables and fuses that represent leap-frogging of industry capabilities in this segment.

Please contact us for inquiries about obtaining samples of interest with a view of concluding an agreement for a licensed usage of these patents in large-volume manufacturing.

Typical way to purchase a patent license

Below outlines the typical process while buying a patent license to use our welding process

  1. Aluminum Alloy Welding
  2. Large Stranded-Wire Cable To Connector Welding


  1. First, contact IWSL.
  2. We will talk to you about the abilities of IWSL’s weld processes to:
    1. Generate quality improvements in your product
    2. Improve productivity per shift and per floor area
    3. Reduce the cost of manufacturing of your product based on your production volumes, present labor content and  labor rates and other relevant details
    4. Generate a business case including:
      1. Equipment/tooling costs
      2. Production rates
      3. Labor needed
      4. Patent license fee
      5. Overall costs of weld per part
  3. We will also discuss the payback on investment after considering items i. through v. above and other relevant items.
    If there is preliminary agreement on the improvements offered being of value and the business case being acceptable:

    1. Conclude an agreement with IWSL to IWSL make sample welds for your evaluation
      1. Mutually agreed upon tests for welds and acceptability criteria
      2. Cosmetic appearance, weld strength, weld size, etc. mutually agreed upon
  4. Finally, once test results are satisfactory;
    1. IWSL’s large partner company in Detroit, MI will:
      1. build the production weld machine/tooling
      2. install and commission the machine at the your production facility
      3. Training by IWSL/partner company
      4. Equipment maintenance and spare part provision by the IWSL’s large partner company
    2. Consider and implement other applications for the process.

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    Weld process of interest

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    Come visit us at our partner company in Detroit, MI and evaluate free weld samples!